Love Struck

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Location: redondo beach, California, United States

I'm just me....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7 Months

Luke is now 7 months old. He weighs 18 pounds and is 26 inches long. He still does not sleep through the night. Since I am back at work the sleep deprivation makes life a bit frustrating. We think we might need to implement some tough love soon for the sake of our sanity. We'll see how that goes...

Luke is a very active and happy baby. He likes to babble, roll onto his stomach, jump in his exersaucer  and pull mommy's hair.

Luke has been eating stage 1 solids for a few months now. So far he has had peas, carrots, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes and prunes. The prunes are to help his digestive troubles. He really enjoys eating and gets very excited at lunch and dinner time. His favorites so far are the squash and sweet potatoes. I am sure it is because of the sweetness. In a week or so we will start him on the purred fruit. I'm positive he'll enjoy the fruit as well.

Life is returning to normal for us. We are back to being busy and out and about on weekends. Marc and I have even been able to go to a few concerts. We are lucky to have a few babysitters we can count on. This past weekend Luke attended his first park party for his friend Kegan who turned 2 years old. Although he isn't quite ready to mingle with other kids he enjoyed getting a lot of attention from the ladies.

We are looking forward to our next big event which will be Easter and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Uchida in May.

Enjoying his ExerSaucer

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