Love Struck

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Location: redondo beach, California, United States

I'm just me....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

24 weeks and counting...

I've almost reached the end of my 2nd trimester. Time is surely going by quick. We have been so busy that I have not been doing a very good job at taking belly pictures or updating everyone on the status of the pregnancy so here is a quick recap.

I started to feel better at about week 17. The nausea and vomiting was so bad that the doctor had to put me on medication. Glad all that is over with. The bad news is that my appetite has returned. In order not blow up like the Good Year Blimp I met with a nutritionist (who is awesome, you can check her out here ). She made me more aware of what I'm eating and how to make healthier choices for the baby and I. I still eat most of my favorite foods but instead of snacking on junk food I snack on sweet fruit which usually satisfies my sweet craving. There are a couple of food choices I can't substitute like the occasional fries and egg mcmuffin from McDonalds.

At week 18 we found out the sex of the baby. The ultra sound was a bit nerve wrecking for me. I was stuck with an intern who took two hours performing the exam. I was very anxious and thought that something was wrong. Fortunately, she was just being very detailed. When we received news that the baby was BOY we were overwhelmed with emotions. Words cannot describe what I felt at that moment. We have also come up with a name - LUKE. We are still working on a middle name, but that will come with time.

Recently I've started to feel Luke kicking around a bit. It only happens a few times a day but its an incredible feeling and reminds me that although I can still fit into my low rise regular jeans (with the help of the Bella Band) and most of my tops, he's in there growing!

I am so grateful to all my friends and family who have shown so much love and support. A few thanks and shout outs to Denise who baked ginger bread for me while i was ill, Shelley brought over a homemade baby bootie cake along with a pregnancy book, Becky has been very helpful with tons of info and sent me a baby journal where i track my pregnancy week by week. She is also pregnant and its nice to bounce off feelings and ideas off each other. Ashleigh bought baby Luke a Paul Frank onesie, Aunt Linda bought some beanies, Sandra bought Luke his first set of skater type shoes, Jenny sent me my first maternity clothes, she has also been very helpful with info. Marc's mom, Una has bought the baby tons of clothes, i'm sure its the first lot of many to come and Stacy has sent Luke clothes and other items.

I hope you are all enjoying your spring and making way for summer! Make sure to scroll down or view the other May posts for belly shots and other pictures.

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