Love Struck

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Location: redondo beach, California, United States

I'm just me....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Perla's Vows
Marc, I love you.

I vow to listen with my heart, be understanding of your needs, and always support your dreams.

I promise to love, honor and respect our differences, and to cherish your individuality as much as I cherish my own.

I love that I am reminded every morning when you kiss me on the cheek before leaving for work, how much your simple acts of love are often the most important to me.

I love that even when we are apart, we are still together. I make sure the first email I read every single day is a "good morning" message from you.

I can always count on wonderful adventures with you...enjoying concerts, art exhibits, making our world famous jam together and searching for the ultimate Mexican restaurant are among my favorites.

I love how we both break out in hysterical laughter over the most juvenile things. I know we will always stay young as we grow old together.

I love your passion for skateboards, music, eating contests and watching TV for 10 hours straight without any guilt.

And although sometimes you are way too honest, i love and respect you for that immensely.

I look forward to the rest of my life, staring at your fabulous dimples and your gorgeous smile.

Marc, I vow to make our home a place of trust and truth, and from this day forward, I promise to explore new ways to cherish you and express my love every single day.



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